Analyze Command

Supports all Melos filtering flags.

This command analyzes all local packages in your workspace.

melos analyze

To learn more, visit the Dart Analyze documentation.


Enforces a strict analysis by treating info-level issues as critical errors. By default this option is disabled.

melos analyze --fatal-infos


Enables treating warnings as fatal errors. When enabled, any warning will cause the analyzer to fail. By default this option is enabled.

melos analyze --fatal-warnings


This option configures the melos analyze command to ignore warnings, allowing the analysis process to complete successfully even if warnings are present.

melos analyze --no-fatal-warnings

concurrency (-c)#

Defines the max concurrency value of how many packages will execute the command in at any one time. Defaults to 1.

# Set a 5 concurrency
melos analyze -c 5