Publish Command

Supports all Melos filtering flags.

Publish any unpublished packages or package versions in your repository to dry-run is enabled by default.

melos publish


Flags whether to publish the packages as a dry run (validate but do not publish). Defaults to true.

# Publish packages with dry run
melos publish --dry-run

# Publish packages without dry run
melos publish --no-dry-run

Use --no-dry-run to disable.

Publish any unpublished packages or package versions in your repository to dry-run is enabled by default.

melos publish

--git-tag-version (-t)

Add any missing git tags for release. Tags are only created if --no-dry-run is also set.

melos publish --no-dry-run --git-tag-version

Note that tags are automatically created as part of melos version (unless --no-git-tag-version is specified when running the version command) so this is usually not required on melos publish unless you're doing a manual version and publish of packages.