
Commands can be run from the root of a project using Melos.

bootstrap (bs)

Bootstraps the project by installing and linking project dependencies.

melos bootstrap
melos bs

Packages defined in the melos.yaml packages field will be locally linked whilst other dependencies will be automatically installed via flutter pub get.


Cleans up the current project workspace.

melos clean

Deletes any temporary pub related files and build artifacts (such as iOS Pods, Android builds etc).

This command is useful for when you feel something within your project is being cached and want to start fresh. Once executed, you'll need to rerun the bootstrap command again for Melos to work.


Execute an arbitrary command in each package.

melos exec
# e.g. melos exec -- pub global run tuneup check

concurrency (-c)

Defines the max concurrency value of how many packages will execute the command in at any one time. Defaults to 5.

# Set a 1 concurrency
melos exec -c 1 -- pub global run tuneup check


Whether exec should fail fast and not execute the script in further packages if the script fails in a individual package. Defaults to false.

# Fail fast
melos exec --fail-fast -- pub global run tuneup check


List information about the local packages.

melos list

--long (-l)

Show extended/verbose information. Defaults to false.

melos list --long
melos list -l

--all (-a)

Show private packages that are hidden by default. Defaults to false.

melos list --all
melos list -a

--parsable (-p)

Show parsable output instead of columnified view. Defaults to false.

melos list --parsable
melos list -p


Show information as a JSON array. Defaults to false.

melos list --json


Show dependency graph as a JSON-formatted adjacency list. Defaults to false.


Show dependency graph in Graphviz DOT language. Defaults to false.

melos list --graph


Publish any unpublished packages or package versions in your repository to dry-run is enabled by default.

melos publish


Flags whether or not to publish the packages as a dry run (validate but do not publish). Defaults to true.

# Publish packages with dry run
melos publish --dry-run

# Publish packages without dry run
melos publish --no-dry-run

Use --no-dry-run to disable.


Run a script by name defined in the workspace melos.yaml config file.

melos run <name>


Initializes Melos in a project.

melos init

A melos.yaml file and empty packages/ directory will be generated.


Automatically version and generate changelogs for all packages. Supports all Melos filtering flags.

melos version

To learn more, visit the Automated Releases documentation.

--prerelease (-p)

Version any packages with changes as a prerelease. Cannot be combined with graduate flag. Defaults to false.

melos version --prerelease
melos version -p

--graduate (-g)

Graduate current prerelease versioned packages to stable versions, e.g. "0.10.0-dev.1" becomes "0.10.0". Cannot be combined with prerelease flag. Defaults to false.

melos version --graduate
melos version -g

--changelog (-c)

Update files (based on conventional commit messages). Defaults to true.

melos version --changelog
melos version -c

Use --no-changelog to disable.

--git-tag-version (-t)

Update files (based on conventional commit messages). Defaults to true.

melos version --git-tag-version
melos version -t

Use --no-git-tag-version to disable.

--all (-a)

Version private packages that are skipped by default.

melos version --all
melos version -a

Global options

Each Melos command can be used alongside the following global commands:

--help (-h)

Prints usage information about a command.

melos --help
melos bootstrap -h

--verbose (-v)

Enable verbose logging. Defaults to false.

melos bootstrap -v


Exclude private packages (publish_to: none). They are included by default.

melos bootstrap --no-private


Filter packages where the current local package version exists on

melos bootstrap --no-private

Use --no-published to filter packages that have not had their current version published yet.


Include only packages with names matching the given glob. This option can be repeated.

# Run `flutter build ios` on all packages with "example" in the package name
melos exec --scope="*example*" -- flutter build ios


Exclude packages with names matching the given glob. This option can be repeated.

# Run `flutter build ios` on all packages but ignore those whose packages names contain "internal"
melos exec --ignore="*internal*" -- flutter build ios


Only include packages that have been changed since the specified ref, e.g. a commit sha or git tag.

# Run `flutter build ios` on all packages but ignore those whose packages names contain "internal"
melos version --since=<commit hash>


Include only packages where a specific directory exists inside the package.

# Only bootstrap packages with an example directory
melos bootstrap --dir-exists="example"


Include only packages where a specific file exists in the package.

# Only bootstrap packages with an file
melos bootstrap --file-exists=""


Filter packages where the package depends on the Flutter SDK.

melos exec --flutter -- flutter test

Use --no-flutter to filter packages that do not depend on the Flutter SDK.


Include only packages that depend on specific dependencies.

melos exec --depends-on="flutter" --depends-on="firebase_core" -- flutter test

Use --no-depends-on to filter packages that do not depend on the given dependencies.